



Regulations of Asian Pacific Organization for Lateritic-Nickel Ore (APOL)

第一章   总则
Chapter 1. General Rules

第一条   社团名称
1. Organization Name:
Asian Pacific Organization for Lateritic-Nickel Ore(APOL)

第二条   社团性质


2. Organization Characters:
This group is non-profit organization providing services to all the members in this industry. It is approved by the registration authorities in Hong Kong and qualified for legal society group.

第三条   发起单位


3. Founders:
This organization is initiated by the nickel industry groups as Chaoyang Haotian Non-Ferrous Metals Ltd., Continental Minerals Co., Ltd., Wanbao Mining Ltd., China Certification & Inspection Group Inspection Co. Ltd.(CCIC), Société Générale de Surveillance S.A.(SGS), Harida Mining Group (Indonesia), SR Mining Group Company(Philippines), Huaibei Xinyuan Non-Ferrous Metals Ltd., Honghe Henghao Mining Co. Ltd. and Shanxi Energy Metals & Minerals Resources Co. Ltd..
第四条  社团宗旨
4. Organization's Objective:
As a non-profit international organization, it will concentrate the wisdom of all the members, implement the industry norms, reduce disputes, establish mutual trust and win-win concept and set up a justice, reasonable and fair trade standards. It aims for providing different services for all the members from different countries in this organization under the Hong Kong law.
第五条  本社团註册地域为香港,法定住所地址为:
Unit 2507,25/F., COSCO Tower, Grand Millennium Plaza, No.183 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
5. The Organization was registered in Hong Kong.
The Registered legal address is:
Unit 2507, 25/F., COSCO Tower, Grand Millennium Plaza, No.183 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong

第二章      任务、活动原则
Chapter 2. Principles of Tasks and Activities
第六条  本社团的工作任务
6. Organization Tasks
Launched by the mine owners and manufacturers of different nations, this organization absorbs participations of professional testing groups and agencies to establish an international industrial organization to build a 'just, fair and reasonable industry standard.
第七条  活动原则
7. Principles of Activity
a). The organization will follows this charter, obey the relevant laws, regulations, rules and policy and abide by social morality;
b). The organization will handle various activities honestly and law-abiding without any interest prejudice to any country, any unit or individual;
c). The organization will not engage in any political, religious and commercial activities.

第三章    会员
Chapter 3. Organization Members
第八条   本社团实行入会自愿、退会自由的原则。
8. Every member in this organization has freedom to join and retreat membership.
第九条   本社团由矿山主、生產厂家、专业检验机构和中间经营商四个方面成员组成。
9. The members in this organization should be mine owners, manufacturers, professional testing groups and agencies as well as related companies.
第十条    申请加入本社团的会员,必须具备下列条件:
10. The requirements to join this organization will:
a). be companies, social groups or individuals with full civil capacity;
b). accept and acknowledge all the rules of this organization;
c). fill out the application form voluntarily;
d). be approved by council.
第十一条   会员享有下列权利
11. Members have following rights:
a). to participate in activities of this organization;
b). to have priority access to the services of this organization;
c). to supervise and criticize the work of this organization;
d). to have the freedom to withdraw.
第十二条   会员应履行下列义务
12. Members should fulfill the following obligations:
a). to implement the charter and resolutions of this organization;
b). to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of this organization;
c). to complete all the work assigned by this organization;
d). to pay annual member fee as requested within time limits.
第十三条   会员退会应书面通知本社团。
13. Members should submit a written notice Secretariat office if they want to withdraw from this organization. Members who do not fulfill their obligations within a year can be regarded as automatic withdraw.
第十四条   会员如有严重违反本会章程行为的,经理事会表决通过,予以除名。
14. Members will be disqualified from this organization by the council vote if violating regulations seriously.
第四章     会员大会和理事会
Chapter 4. General Assembly and Council
第十五条   本社团的最高权力机构是会员大会(或会员代表大会),职权是:
15. The supreme power body of this organization is the General Assembly. Its mandates are:
a). to formulate and revise all the written rules;
b). to elect and disqualify the membership;
c). to determine the activity report and financial report of the council;
d). to decide on other important matters and terminate matters.
第十六条   会员大会(或会员代表大会)每年召开一次。代表大会的决议须经半数以上到会会员(或会员代表)表决通过方能生效。代表大会休会期间,由理事会代理执行代表大会的职责。
16. The General Assembly is usually held once a year. The resolution would be valid while it is voted by more than half of all attendants. During the recess of the general assembly, the council will be responsible for all of the duties of the General Assembly.
第十七条   理事会是本社团的执行机构,理事会根据社团章程制定本社团工作计画。理事会设理事长1人,副理事长和常务理事若干人,由理事单位委派(要求是单位副总裁以上职务),秘书长1人,副秘书长若干人。
17. The Council is executive body of the organization and will plan work program under the rules of this organization. The council will be composed of one Director-general, several deputy director-generals and several directors (Who are appointed by their companies and have title of vice president and above in their companies.), one secretary-general, and several deputy secretary-generals.
第十八条   理事会的职责是:
18. The Council's Duties are:
a). to convoke General Assembly, and fulfill working and financial reports;
b). to execute resolutions of the General Assembly;
c). to elect and disqualify director-general, deputy director-generals and secretary-generals;
d). to decide on the establishment and closing of offices, branches and representative organs and to report registration to Hong Kong Registrar of Societies;
e). to appoint and dismiss deputy secretary-generals and the leaders of branches and representative organs;
f). to lead all the working groups in this organization;
g). to set up internal management system.
第十九条  理事长负责组织召开理事会议和对外交流事宜。理事中选出负责財务、会务、標准制定、宣传等事务的负责人组成理事会办公室。理事会办公室在秘书长领导下开展工作。
19. Director-general is responsible for organizing general assembly and foreign exchange & cooperation matters. Leaders will be chosen from all directors are in charge of financial, meetings, standard-setting, advocacy and other services. Council's secretary-general will guide the Secretariat of APOL Council.
第二十条  本社团可以聘请世界各地的专家、政府官员和有重大贡献的人士担任名誉会长或名誉顾问等。
20. Experts from around the world, government officrs and the people with major contribution will be invited and/employed by the organization as honorary director-generals chairman or adviser.

第五章    资產管理、使用原则
Chapter 5. Asset Management and Usage Principles
第二十一条  本社团经费来源:
(三)利息等增值收入和其他合法收入。incremental value
21. The sources of funding:
a). member fee;
b). Donations and government subsidies;
c). Interest, incremental value income and other legitimate income.
第二十二条   经费应用於理事会办公室租赁、会议场地租借费用、会务开支、管理费、办公设备及用品购买、职员薪资、联络交流经费等。本社团依法建立严格的財务管理制度,保证会计资料合法、真实、准確、完整。
22. Funding will be used for office lease, cost of renting meeting venue, conference organizing expenses, management fees, purchase of office equipments and supplies, staff salaries, communication fees et. al. This organization has a strict financial management system by law to ensure that all the accounting information is legal, true, accurate and complete.

附 则
Supplementary Provisions
第二十三条   本社团完成宗旨或自行解散或由於分立、合併等原因需要登出的,由理事会提出终止动议。本社团终止前,须在业务主管单位及有关机关指导下成立清算组织,清理债权债务,处理善后事宜。清算期间,不开展清算以外的活动。本社团经社会社团登记管理机关办理註销登记手续后即为终止。
23. The Council will make the final termination whether the organization should stop completing its goal, dissolving or separating, and merging for various reasons. Before the termination, clean up the credits and debts under the guidance of related agencies. During the liquidation, no other activities are carried out other than liquidation. This organization is terminated by means of the cancellation of the registration procedures by social groups.
第二十四条   本章程自会员大会(或会员代表大会)通过,並经香港社团註册官备案后生效,修改时同。
24. These regulations will come into effect if passed by the General Assembly and filed by the Registrar of Societies in Hong Kong.
第二十五条   本章程若与香港法律、法规、规章及有关政策相悖,应以香港法律、法规、规章及有关政策为准。本章程的解释权属理事会。
25. If this regulations run counter to the Hong Kong laws, regulations, rules and related policies, Hong Kong laws, regulations and rules prevail will be take as final. The Council will be authorized for interpretation of the regulations.


Will be passed by the first general assembly of APOL
on May 9,2009